日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite 34(3): 78-85 (2017)


三脚型配位子を用いたハイブリッド金属水酸化物の設計Design of Hybrid Layered Metal Hydroxides by Using Tripodal Ligands

横浜国立大学大学院工学研究院Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University ◇ 〒240–8501 横浜市保土ケ谷区常盤台79–5

受理日:2017年5月12日Accepted: May 12, 2017
発行日:2017年7月15日Published: July 15, 2017


Layered compounds possess interlayer nanospaces that incorporate various molecules, and they are useful for the potential applications in catalysis, adsorption, separation, and so on. In this paper, a novel surface modification method for layered compounds is reported. Tripodal ligands have three hydroxymethyl groups and one terminal functional group. They form a stable tridentate linkage with the surface hydroxy groups of brucite-type metal hydroxides and layered double hydroxides, consisting of various metallic elements because the tridentate linkage is formed by the structural matching between the hydroxymethyl groups of tripodal ligands and the surface hydroxy groups of the metal hydroxides. Using this method, hybrid magnesium hydroxide that can intercalate various organic molecules and can be exfoliated into nanosheets is obtained, even though conventional magnesium hydroxide does not have an intercalation ability. In addition, when layered double hydroxides were synthesized in the presence of the tripodal ligands, very small nanoparticles were obtained. The layered double hydroxide nanoparticles show improved anion exchangeabilities under ambient conditions without exclusion of CO2, and they are used for rapid adsorption of aqueous anionic species because of their high dispersibility. They are also useful as ion-exchanger, catalyst precursors, and catalyst supports. Consequently, tripodal ligands are quite useful modifier for controlling brucite-type layered metal hydroxides by a generalized method.


Key words: Metal hydroxides; Layered double hydroxides; Tripodal ligands; Nanosheets; Anion exchangers; Solid bases

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