日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite 27(2): 35-43 (2010)


メソポーラスシリカ薄膜の巨視的配向制御と光機能材料への展開Silica films with controlled in-plane mesoporous structures for nanocomposite materials with optical functionalities

キヤノン株式会社技術フロンティア研究センターFrontier Research Center, Canon Inc. ◇ 〒146-8501 東京都大田区下丸子3-30-2

受理日:2010年3月25日Accepted: March 25, 2010
発行日:2010年6月10日Published: June 10, 2010


Fine control of porous structures of mesoporous silica films, prepared through selfassembly of surfactant molecules, is achieved using substrates with surface structural anisotropy. Mesoporous silica films consisting of uniaxially aligned cylindrical pores as well as those with single-crystalline porous structures consisting of hexagonally close-packed spherical pores can be prepared on a rubbing-treated polyimide film by optimizing the preparation conditions. These silica films with controlled in-plane mesoporous structures provide nanocomposite films with optical anisotropy by incorporating proper guest species with optical functionalities. In these nanocomposite films, three-dimensionally controlled orientation of the guest species leads to highly anisotropic optical properties. These films can be applied to optical devices such as low power-consuming lasers using improved optical properties originating from molecular-scale control of materials.


Key words: mesoporous; film; orientation; anisotropy; emission

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