日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite 25(4): 133-146 (2008)


メタン活性化の鍵を握る銀イオン交換ゼオライトAg+-exchanged zeolites as novel catalysts for methane activation

東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology ◇ 〒226-8502 神奈川県横浜市緑区長津田町4259-G1-14

受理日:2008年9月30日Accepted: September 30, 2008
発行日:2008年12月10日Published: December 10, 2008



1H MAS NMR 測定によると,銀イオン交換ゼオライトに生成した銀イオンクラスター(Agn+)よって水素分子は不均等解離を起こす。即ち,水素分子は酸性プロトンと銀–ヒドリド(Agn–H)に変化する。水素分子が不均等解離するこの反応は,可逆的に進行する。この結果は,銀イオン交換ゼオライトの酸触媒活性が水素圧力の変化に伴って可逆的に変化する現象を説明することができる。

更に,銀イオン交換ゼオライトはメタンを活性化できる。このことは銀イオン交換Y型ゼオライトにメタンを吸着させると,1H MAS NMR測定によってAgn–Hが観測されることから,Agn+によってCH4のC–H結合が不均等解離を起こし,Agn–HとCH3δ+が生成すると考えた。このことはメタンに13CH4を用いてエチレンとの反応を行うと,プロピレンが生成すること,しかもそのプロピレンは,13CC2H6であった。こうした実験結果は,メタンがAgn+によって活性化され,エチレンと反応することによって,プロピレンと水素を生成することを示している。

The rates of solid-acid-catalyzed reactions are greatly enhanced by the presence of hydrogen in the system. Thus, the catalytic activities of prereduced Ag+-exchanged Y-zeolites for the disproportionation of ethylbenzene and isomerization of o-xylene are several times higher than that of H+-exchanged Y-zeolite, but only in the presence of gaseous hydrogen. The similar effect of hydrogen was also observed in other acid catalyzed reactions such as isomerization of 1-butene over not only Ag+-exchanged zeolites, but also silver dodecatungstophosphate (Ag3PW12O40).

Heterolytic dissociation of H2 proceeded to form acidic protons and silver-hydride species over Ag+-exchanged zeolites. For example, Ag3-H and acidic protons are produced upon exposing Ag-A to H2. The effects of the degree of Ag+ ion exchange and the temperature of hydrogen exposure on the formation of hydrogen chemisorbed species were examined with 1H MAS NMR. Furthermore, the thermal stability of silver hydride species and the temperature dependence of the line shape of the peak due to acidic protons were studied with raising the temperature.

The heterolytic dissociation of methane over silver cationic clusters (Agn+) in Ag+-exchanged zeolites also proceeds. This result leads to the formation of silver hydride (Agn-H) and CH3δ+, which then reacts with ethene to form propene. Under these reaction conditions,H+-exchanged zeolites, such as H-ZSM-5 only catalyze ethene conversion to higher hydrocarbons, and no methane conversion occurs.

Conversion of 13C-labeled methane (13CH4) in the presence of ethene (C2H4) over Ag+-exchanged zeolites (Ag-A, Ag-Y and Ag-ZSM-5) at 673 K affords a mixture of 13Clabeled propene (13CC2H6) and unlabeled propene (C3H6) at a ratio of approximately 80/20. The same reaction over Ag3PW12O40 and proton-exchanged zeolites (H-ZSM-5 and H-Y) yields only unlabeled propene. These results show that silver cationic clusters (Agn+) in Ag+- exchanged zeolites are responsible for the activation of methane to form silver hydride species (Agn-H) and highly polarized CH3δ+, which reacts with ethene to form propene and acidic protons. Regeneration of Agn+ proceeds by reaction of acidic protons with Agn-H accompanied by the formation of H2. Silver cations in Ag3PW12O40, a silver salt, do not dissociate the C-H bond of CH4 and thus cannot catalyze the reaction of methane and ethene.

キーワード:メタン転化反応;エチレン;プロピレン;Ag+交換ゼオライト;銀-ヒドリド;1H MAS NMR

Key words: CH4 conversion; ethylene, propylene,; Ag+-exchanged zeolites; silver-hydride; 1H MAS NMR

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