日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite 24(1): 2-10 (2007)


天然モルデナイトと竹炭の水質浄化能の違いが及ぼすビオトープヘの影響Comparison of the ability on water quality purification between natural mordenite and bamboo coal in the biotope, Japan

1九州国際大学地学Division of earth science, Kyushu International University ◇ 〒805-8512 福岡県北九州市八幡東区平野1-6-1

2近畿大学産業理工学部School of humanity-oriented science and engineering, Kinki University

3NPO法人直方川づくりの会NPO corporation, a secretary of the society on Nougata Kawadukuri

受理日:2007年1月9日Accepted: January 9, 2007
発行日:2007年3月10日Published: March 10, 2007

我々はこれまで実験室規模の循環装置を用いて,天然鉱物や竹炭等をレキとした水質浄化実験を行ってきた結果,天然モルデナイトを含む岩石が最も硝化を促進させ,有機成分中に含まれる窒素成分のうちアンモニア塩であるものの水質浄化に優れているということを見い出した1)。 本研究では,この浄化方法をより実用化投階へ近づけるために,ビオトープ内に設置した大型の水質浄化実験装置において,硝化が最も早い天然モルデナイトとイオン交換能のほとんどない竹炭における物性の比較を行い,各々の処理水がビオトープヘどのような影響を及ぼすのか検討を行った。その結果,天然モルデナイトには,硝化を促進させる効果があり,有機物(有機成分中に含まれる窒素)が減少することによる大腸菌群の菌数減少の効果があることも確認された。将来的には,天然モルデナイトを使うことで,生物多様性のある豊かな水辺が復元できるとともに,人々が気軽に水辺で楽しむことができる近自然工法による親水公園やより豊かなビオトープを作り出すことが可能であると考える。

We have investigated with removal capability with many physical properties of natural mordenite as fundamental knowledge of the method of removing the nitrogen ingredient contained in river water. In this study, we have surveyed removal capability with many phisical properties in the aerobic atmosphere circulation equipment of a laboratory scale and full scale of the artificial biotope using these natural mordenite rocks and bamboo coal. We measured pH, COD, NH4+, NO2, NO3 and T-N, etc. of actural river water under the same experiment conditions. We have also compared purification ability of the water quality in natural mordenite and bamboo coal, which is without ion exchange ability, and glass, which does not have adsorption ability at all. Moreover, the water quality purification capability of natural mordenite was also evaluated including many of those properties.

We showed clearly that natural mordenite was more advantageous to the removal of ammonium ion by oxidization of NH4+ and the removal of nitrogen than bamboo coal without ion exchange ability, and glass which does not have adsorption ability and exchange ability at all, when natural mordenite had high positive ion exchange ability as the result of various experiments. We also elucidated that the ability of water quality purification of natural mordenite as a resources is more excellent to bamboo coal even within the artificial biotope.

Key words: water quality purification; natural mordenite; bamboo coal; bio-tope

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