日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite News Letters 23(4): 149-156 (2006)


DDR型ゼオライト膜のガス分離特性と微細構造Gas separation properties and microstructures of DDR-type zeolite membranes

1日本ガイシ株式会社NCM Project, New Products Development Center, NGK Insulators, Ltd. ◇ 〒467-8530 名古屋市瑞穂区須田町2-56

2財団法人ファインセラミックスセンターMaterials Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center

受理日:2006年10月2日Accepted: October 2, 2006
発行日:2006年12月10日Published: December 10, 2006

DDR型ゼオライトは0.36×0.44 nmの酸素8員環細孔を有し,多孔質アルミナ支持体表面に作製されたDDR膜は二酸化炭素/メタン分離において優れた二酸化炭素選択透過性能を示す。

しかしながら ,膜厚がほぼ同じDDR膜でも膜作製条件により分離性能は大きく異なる場合がある。これまで,分離性能の低いDDR膜について色素染色試験により欠陥を検出し,その染色状態やSEM観察の結果から欠陥の発生原因を推定していたが,本稿で述べるDDR膜については欠陥の存在は確認したものの発生原因の推定は困難であった。そこで,DDR/DDR粒界等の微細構造を詳細に調べるためにTEM観察を行なった。分離性能に関わらずDDR膜の典型的なDDR/DDR粒界は密接に接合していたが,分離性能の低いDDR膜でのみ,DDR/DDR粒界の一部に20 nm以下の微細な隙間が観察された。この隙間はDDR膜と支持体との熱膨張率差に起因して発生したと考察した。さらに検証実験により,DDR膜と支持体との複合層形成を促進することで,DDR膜と支持体との熱膨張率差が緩和され欠陥発生が抑制できることを確かめた。

DDR-type zeolite membranes show good performance for the separation of carbon dioxide from methane in a mixed gas. Two DDR membranes with a thickness of about 2.5 µm were synthesized on alumina supports under two synthesis conditions. These membranes showed different carbon dioxide/methane separation factors (α): one membrane showed α=76 and the other showed α=1.2. In a dyeing test to find defects in the DDR membranes, all surface of the DDR membrane with the low separation factor was found to be uniformly dyed and we surmised that it had many defects. However, the reason for the formation of defects was not clarified after the dyeing test and the defects could not be observed by SEM. Therefore, the DDR membranes were observed by TEM. In particular, DDR/DDR grain boundaries in the DDR membrane and composite layers of the DDR membrane and the alumina support were carefully observed. The results of TEM observation revealed that typical DDR grains were adhered closely to each other and composite layers did not have amorphous layers such as amorphous silica. However, some gaps with a width of about 10~20 nm were observed at DDR/DDR grain boundaries in the DDR membrane with the low separation factor. It was investigated whether the formation of the gaps was caused by the difference in thermal expansion between the DDR membrane and the alumina support during the heating treatment to remove the structure-directing agents. A DDR membrane with a thick composite layer was synthesized to check whether the composite layer is effective in decreasing the formation of cracks in DDR membranes. This DDR membrane showed a good separation factor (α=57). It was concluded that the composite layer is effective in buffering the difference in thermal expansion between the DDR membrane and the alumina support.

Key words: DDR-type zeolite membrane; gas separation; TEM observation; defect; thermal expansion; composite layer

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