日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite News Letters 21(3): 80-85 (2004)


合成ガスからのイソパラフィンの直接合成Direct isoparaffin synthesis from syngas

富山大学工学部物質生命システム工学科Dept. of Material System and Life Science, School of Engineering, Toyama University ◇ 〒930-8555 富山県富山市五福3190

発行日:2004年9月10日Published: September 10, 2004



Fischer-Tropsh Synthesis (FTS) is an effective method to produce liquid fuels from syngas. The liquid fuels contain principally normal paraffins, which are suitable for diesel fuels, but not for gasoline. In general, cetane number of the normal paraffins is high, but their octane number is low. On the other hand, isoparaffins have high octane number. Thus it is desired to produce isoparaffines from syngas at one step.

In order to produce isoparaffin at one step, an FTS catalyst Co/SiO2 was hybridized with zeolite ZSM-5. It is expected that since the wax produced on the FTS catalysts will be in situ decomposed by the zeolite in the hybrid catalysts, the lifetime of hybrid FTS catalysts becomes extremely longer. CO conversions of both FTS and hybrid catalysts were 100%. The FTS products from the hybrid catalyst were mainly isoparaffins, and became very lighter that those from conventional FTS catalysts. Hydrocarbons with over C13 disappeared. In order to activate hybrid FTS catalyst further, Pd/SiO2 was added to the hybrid catalyst. The lifetime of this kind of three-component hybrid catalyst, Co/SiO2+ZSM-5+Pd/SiO2 became much longer. Even after 100 h, the catalysts were not deactivated and the hydrocarbon distributions were the same. The distributions of the hydrocarbons concentrared much more on Co/SiO2+ZSM-5+Pd/SiO2, indicating acidity of the zeolite was strengthened by spillover hydrogen form Pd/SiO2. In addition, two-stage reaction was conducted. At the first stage FTS was carried out using hybrid catalyst Co/SiO2 +ZSM-5 and at the second stage the FTS products were hydrogenated, hydrocracked and isomerized with additional hydrogen. The obtained hydrocarbons contained lighter isoparaffins under C8.

These results indicate that the hybrid catalysts containing ZSM-5 have good peformance for the production of isoparaffin directly.

Key words: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis; isoparaffin; zeolite; hydrocracking; spillover

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