日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite News Letters 18(3): 100-106 (2001)


H-ZSM-5ゼオライト触媒によるリッター型反応Ritter-type reactions catalyzed by H-ZSM-5 zeolites

〒060-0810 北海道札幌市北区北10条西5丁目Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University ◇ 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究科

発行日:2001年9月10日Published: September 10, 2001


"Ritter-type reactions" which were first reported by Ritter and Minieri at 1948 with sulfuric acid are reactions to form N-alkylamide from nitrile group and alcohols. While the reaction between acrylonitrile and isopropyl alcohol is an important one among them, catalytic synthesis of N-isopropylacrylamide was not reported yet. Recently, the authors found that H-ZSM-5 was far superior in catalytic activity to the other solid acids and liquid acids for the reaction of acrylonitrile with isopropyl alcohol to form N-isopropylacrylamide.

Key words: Ritter-type reaction; H-ZSM-5 zeolite; N-isopropylacrylamide

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