日本ゼオライト学会 刊行物 Publication of Japan Zeolite Association

ISSN: 0918–7774
一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会 Japan Zeolite Association
〒162-0801 東京都新宿区山吹町358-5 アカデミーセンター Japan Zeolite Association Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Zeolite News Letters 18(1): 19-25 (2001)


巨大ゼオライト結晶の合成Synthesis of giant zeolite crystals

財団法人化学技術戦略推進機構研究開発事業部分子協調材料研究体物質工学工業技術研究所Joint Research Center for Harmonized Molecular Materials, Japan Chemical Innovation Institute ◇ 〒305-8565 茨城県つくば市東1-1

発行日:2001年3月10日Published: March 10, 2001

ゼオライトは結晶性多孔質で,高性能な触媒として,また多岐にわたる分離分野,さらに光, 磁気,電子素子の分野での応用が考えられ,非常に注目度の高い材料である。ゼオライトの細孔を上手に利用するために大きなゼオライト結晶が必要な応用分野もあるために,これまでに,良好な品質の大きな単結晶を合成するために,多大な努力が成されてきた。数々の成果を解説すると共に,著者等が開発したゼオライトの巨大結晶を合成するための新しい手法,バルク体溶解法(BMD法)に関して解説する。

Zeolites are crystalline microporous materials that are attracting much attention owing to their applications as high-performance catalysts, in separation processes, and in optical, magnetic, and electronic devices. Major efforts have been undertaken to synthesize large single crystals with a well-defined habit, because some applications require large zeolite crystals to allow effective use of their micropores. In 1971 Charnell synthesized zeolite Na-A (LTA) crystals (ca. 65 µm) and zeolite Na-X (FAU) crystals (ca. 140 µm) under hydro-thermal conditions from gels of sodium metasilicate, sodium aluminate, and triethanolamine, which were purified to remove particles by a precision filtration technique. In 1993 a novel method to synthesize zeolites in nonaqueous media was developed to obtain giant zeolite crystals by controlling the release and solubility of reactive solution species in organothermal systems. Other attempts to obtain large zeolite crystals have also been made. Recently, we developed a novel technique for synthesizing giant zeolite crystals in aqueous media by controlling the solubility in hydrothermal systems. Both silicalite-1 (all-silica MFI) and analcime (ANA) crystals with sizes of about 3 mm, which were unknown until now, were successfully synthesized by using bulk materials as the silica and alumina sources (bulk-material dissolution (BMD) technique).

Key words: crystal growth; synthetic methods; zeolites; large crystals; BMD technique

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